2024 HomePage News
Occasions & At-Home
Entertaining Reports

The home and housewares industry, after a wild ride of unpredictable life- and business-altering ups and downs the past several years, is primed for a new market stability and eager to celebrate the next wave of enduring growth.
One way to spark such growth is to serve a consumer base embracing relative normalcy after living the same volatility and eager to celebrate… well, everything.
The 2024 IHA Occasions and At-Home Entertaining Surveys (in partnership with market researcher Morning Consult) underscore the product development, marketing and sales opportunities available to the home and housewares industry by serving key life moments and increasing frequency of at-home entertaining for all sorts of get-togethers.
The 2024 Occasions and At-Home Entertaining Reports, published exclusively by HomePage News, present data-backed insights on why and how retailers and suppliers should continually consider and prioritize their roles as gift providers for such major life events as weddings, new home purchases, the birth of children, off-to-school and retirement; for such annual occasions as birthdays and anniversaries; and also for “anytime moments” when families and friends want to turn just another day into a time to celebrate.
The pandemic and its economic aftermath scrambled long-established occasion-marking and in-home gathering traditions. Results of these complementary consumer surveys chronicle how consumers have rescheduled and reimagined key life events as they settle into a new groove and how their reinvigorated zest for at-home entertaining shows no signs of abating.
That has created a wide, new sweet spot for the housewares industry to connect with consumers in a celebratory mood.
HomePage News Contributing Editor Mike Duff provided the analysis for the 2024 HomePage News Occasions and At-Home Entertaining Reports.