Home Gift For Life Charity Elects New Board Leadership
April 2, 2024

Gift For Life Charity Elects New Board Leadership

Gift for Life, a charity organization representing the gift and home industries, announced new board of directors leadership with Sarah Mount of Andmore and Emalee Hoffman of CMA Gifts transitioning to chair and first vice chair, respectively, and Amy Loewenberg of NY Now at Emerald X, elected to second vice chair.

Ari Lowenstein, GFL’s chair since 2022, steps into the role of immediate past chair.

Mount, with more than 17 years in the gift and home business, is senior vice president, integrated marketing for Andmore, which manages trade markets in Atlanta, High Point and Las Vegas.

Hoffman in January 2024 became vice president, sales for CMA Gifts. She started as a buyer in 2009, and she spent almost a decade at Orange Circle Studio.

Loewenberg, with more than 25 years in gift and home retailing and business development, is the director of buyer relations for the gift and home trade show NY Now at Emerald X.

In addition to welcoming new board leadership, Gift for Life noted retirements from the charity board of  Maureen Carpenter of The Queen’s Jewels, Wes Hardin of Diverse Companies, Andrea Padilla of Transpac and Crystal Vilkaitis of Crystal Media. Incoming Board members will be announced in the coming weeks, according to GFL.

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