Home Terra Kaffe Releases Next-Gen Smart Espresso Machine
October 26, 2022

Terra Kaffe Releases Next-Gen Smart Espresso Machine

By: Chandler Harvey

Managing Editor

Brooklyn-based coffee technology brand, Terra Kaffe, has released its second appliance: the TK-02 Connected Super Automatic Espresso Machine.

The TK-02 was designed to take what users love about their favorite coffee shops and bring that into their homes. The machine uses whole-bean coffee and smart connectivity to make customized drinks. The TK-02 uses a barista-grade smart scale that measures down to 1/10th of a gram; a hybrid brew unit that can switch between espresso-based drinks and drip coffee; an automatic grind adjustment for the different drinks and bean types; and a large group head for the brewing of up to 16 grams of ground coffee per drink.

A mobile app allows the user to create and save custom espresso and drink profiles that can be uploaded by each bean type and coffee blend. Users can view the machine at a glance to see cleaning status, bean hopper level and more. The app also gives the users access to a range of pre-programmed drinks and an auto sleep/wake timer for “brew-from bed” functionality.

The TK-02 is available for pre-order now online at terrakaffe.com and retails at $1,400.

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